Scholarships Link
Frequently Asked Questions
Tips to Increase Your Chances of Earning Scholarships
Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I find out about available scholarships?
Scholarships are posted on this website as we are made aware. You can also talk to your counselor. Scholarships given by colleges may only require an application for admission. Others have applications that can be obtained from the college. - What do I do if I need recommendations?
Give recommenders an activities resume, a copy of the scholarship guidelines, and a specific deadline. Ask them at least two weeks before the deadline. They should return the recommendation according to the instructions in the scholarship application. The completed scholarship application and recommendation letters are to be turned into Mr. Kucera. - Where do I turn in the application?
Follow the instructions in each scholarship application. The completed scholarship application is to be turned into Mr. Kucera at least one day before the due date. He will send the application, recommendations and transcript together. - How will I be notified if I have been awarded a scholarship?
Colleges and other organizations will notify you if you are a recipient. Some local scholarships are not announced until honors night in May. - Should I send a thank you?
It is appropriate to send a thank you, especially for local scholarships. Don't forget to thank those who wrote you a recommendation. - Do I need to notify my college about outside scholarships I've received?
Yes, they will want to know all of the scholarships you have received, because it may affect your financial aid package.
Tips to Increase Your Chances of Earning Scholarships
- Get organized. Place scholarship applications in deadline order and prioritize each award. Local awards and college-specific applications deserve top priority because you're more likely to earn them.
- Make a list of your activities, honors and volunteer or paid jobs. Compile an Activities Resume. Attach your resume to scholarship applications unless the application specifically says attachments aren't allowed.
- Use quality references such as a teacher, coach or counselor. Give a resume to everyone you ask to write a recommendation and encourage them to write specific examples of your abilities and skills.
- Read the directions and requirements carefully. The ability to follow the application instructions as to format and content should not be underestimated.
- Get an early start on essays. Describe your interests, hope for the future, and leadership abilities.
- Pay close attention to grammar, spelling and neatness. Have someone proofread your application. Type your application. The neatness of the application makes a definite impression. When there are many qualified applicants, committees look at small differences to select recipients.
- Turn in the scholarship before the deadline.